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Do you want to be smart? Do you want to be able to connect with your family, children and co-workers? Read Inquiry into Daniel Goleman's Social Intelligence...This is a book that will show you how to develop great interpersonal relationships. It will help you discover the road to social acceptance, meaningful relations, understanding of the opposite sex, and success in life.

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"Young Man, Go West and The Pursuit of Success and Happiness: Shop, Dance, Eat, Pray, Love And Reach Spiritual Fulfillment" is a book about the joys of living, working and connecting with loved ones. It is about our fears such as the fear of packing up and traveling to an unknown place, the fears of falling and failing, the fears of isolation and the fears of letting go and losing it all. This is a book to share with others. Most importantly, it is about loving, dancing, shopping, eating and exploring! Even in tough economic times, we can learn to survive and triumph once more. This is a book of hope in desperate times!

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"Young Man, Go West and The Pursuit of Success and Happiness: Shop, Dance, Eat, Pray, Love And Reach Spiritual Fulfillment" is a book about the joys of living, working and connecting with loved ones. It is about our fears such as the fear of packing up and traveling to an unknown place, the fears of falling and failing, the fears of isolation and the fears of letting go and losing it all. This is a book to share with others. Most importantly, it is about loving, dancing, shopping, eating and exploring! Even in tough economic times, we can learn to survive and triumph once more. This is a book of hope in desperate times!


California: a Breath of Fresh Air is a compilation of Mr. Charles's best writings on the Central Valley and California’s demographics, lifestyles,shopping trends, economic development, agricultural production and water issues. This book is very entertaining and will cause you to think about stewardship, conservation and appreciation of the producers of our food supply.

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My First Story, My First Poem Anthology is a great collection of stories, poems, essays, and letters by established and emerging writers. This book is the result of many months of intensive coordination, efforts and contribution by the finest writers of our times. They come from many disciplines to support the cause of education in third world countries and combat illiteracy. They believe that writing is the most powerful tool that can combat ignorance and make a difference in the lives of the unfortunate souls.

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